Pantheon: The Drupal Developer Platform

Pantheon is a best practice, cloud based platform for developing, hosting, and managing Drupal websites created by David Strauss, Josh Koenig, Zack Rosen, and Matt Cheney. We took our hard-won development experience working on projects at Chapter Three and Four Kitchens, mixed in the open-source "magic" of advanced enterprise development techniques, and made it all ubiquitously and inexpensively available on our Cloud computing platform.

This BoF will be for folks who are using Pantheon or are curious about using it to make their development better. We will talk about all the cool features of the platform - now and in the future - and have a discussion about what people would like to see built into the platform.

Classroom 106
Time slot: 
11 June 14:15 - 15:00