Let's Get Drupalfaced!

Colorado loves Drupal!
Drupal loves Colorado!
The DrupalChix and Zivtech invite you to kickoff this year's Camp at the opening night party being held at Casselman's Bar & Venue. Come get Drupalfaced.
Come and pre-register for camp, pick up your special gift, then enjoy some munchies courtesy of Biscuits & Berries Catering (they will also be feeding us throughout the camp! yummy!), as well as catering by Casselman's and some complimentary drinks. This will be a great time to get connected with your Drupal Buds & make some new friends.
Casselman's is only 10 minutes away from the Auraria Campus and has plenty of free parking. Come inside and mingle or sit a spell on their patio and enjoy the great Colorado weather.
Casselman's Bar & Venue
2620 Walnut Street
Denver, Colorado 80205
Don't forget to put Saturday's party at Brooklyn's on your schedule too! The fun never stops! woot!
For those of you who like rap - you know you do! - Casselman's will be hosting an event following ours, Do or Die, and have invited us to stay and enjoy the show...