Managing the 5000 hour project

Come Join me to participate in a discussion of some of the hard lessons learned managing large projects.
It is a Bof so the list of topics will change based on where the discussion leads us

Managing the 5000 hour project

  1. Brackets of size.
    <50 hours
    <150 hours
    < 500 hours
  2. Strategic Thinking – Gettting done is a strategy, combination of platform, procedures, process, people and politics
    Know and Acknowledge your risks
    Know your clients pain points.
  3. Infrastructure
    Dedicated machines
    The danger of client hosting – its IT's job to keep you out
  4. Cloud hosting
    source control
    Dev Stage Prod
  5. Teams
    More not always better
    Everybody has to play nice
    know who does what.
  6. Client management
    clear communication channels one person on other team
    Have a plan
    Over communicate – even when there are problems
  7. Morale & Burnout
    Delivery in phases
    Celebrate wins
    Defend the project plan
    Defer changes
Classroom 106
Time slot: 
11 June 15:15 - 16:00